KU Fact Book
The KU Fact Book contains interactive dashboards with current, historical, and comparative data for a variety of subject areas, including enrollment, retention and completion, tuition and fees, employees, and financial expenditures. PDF reports with items not available in dashboards are available in the Additional Reports section below for selected areas such as facilities and student housing patterns.
Prior KU Fact Books provide a wealth of University information for past years.
For a quick overview of KU data, see KU by the Numbers.

This series of dashboards provides a snapshot view of University of Kansas enrollment at the KU Lawrence Campus and the Medical Center. Also provided are ten-year trends and information about where students originate. Snapshot and term trend dashboards can be segmented by UG/grad, minority/nonminority, domestic/international, race/ethnicity, sex, residency, student level, age group, and physical campus.

Enrollment by School & Level
Enrollment by School shows student head counts as of fall and spring 20th day census points by school. Students are counted with each school in which they have a major; they are not counted with the school of their minor or undergraduate certificate or as a non-degree seeking student unless that is the only plan they have. In these dashboards, governing and physical campus are based on where the student takes the majority of his/her credit hours rather than on the primary campus of the academic unit.

Enrollment Comparisons
These dashboards compare the total fall enrollment and enrollment demographics of the University of Kansas to other similar universities. The demographics comparison includes enrollment by undergraduate/graduate status, minority/nonminority status, domestic/international status, race/ethnicity, and sex.

Course Enrollments
This dashboard provides student credit hour (SCH) enrollment trends by term for the last ten years. Information can be segmented by course division, course level, instruction mode, Lawrence/Edwards campus, majors/nonmajors, new student type, residency, and school.

Enrollment Trends
Dashboards included in this series provide longitudinal charts and tables of University of Kansas demographic data for the last several decades.

GPA Trends
These dashboards contain average fall and spring semester GPAs as well as the average cumulative GPA for bachelor degree recipients for the Lawrence Campus. The semester GPA Historical Trend tabs contain data that can be segmented by school, career (undergraduate/graduate/law), and sex. The semester GPA Report tabs contain tables with the university overall average GPA by student level and sex and the average undergraduate GPA by school.
Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff
These dashboards show KU faculty and staff head counts and FTE as of mid-October each fall, including faculty administrators, librarians, unclassified academic and professional staff, university support staff, and student graduate and hourly employees. Users can segment the data by staff classification, full-/part-time, minority status, citizenship status, race/ethnicity, sex, and age.

Faculty Salaries
This dashboard provides average annual salaries and average annual salary increases for faculty by academic rank. Salary information is available in unadjusted historical dollars or adjusted for inflation to current dollars using the Midwest Region Consumer Price Index.

Faculty Salary Comparisons
These dashboards compare faculty salary by rank of the University of Kansas to other similar universities. KU faculty salaries can be compared to an entire comparison group or to an individual institution in the comparison groups.
Faculty Credentials
These dashboards show credential information for tenured and tenure-track faculty and non-student instructors teaching courses on the Lawrence and Edwards campuses. This information is provided as required by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).

Dashboards included here provide the annual fiscal year total and general use expenditures for the Lawrence Campus. Total expenditure data is available by funding source. General use expenditures is available by program and object.

Tuition & Fee Trends
This dashboard provides a series of comparisons of tuition and tuition & fees trends at the University of Kansas for the last several decades. Historical trends for undergraduates and graduates by residency status are included.

Cost of Attendance Comparisons
These dashboards compare the costs to attend the University of Kansas to other similar universities. The data included are resident and nonresident annual undergraduate tuition and fees, annual room and board rates, and the annual total cost of attendance.

Endowment Comparisons
This dashboard compares the endowment market value of the University of Kansas to other similar universities. The endowment market values are obtained from the annual National Association of Colleges and University Business Officers (NACUBO) Endowment Study.

Research Expenditures
These dashboards show research expenditures at KU for each fiscal year. Research expenditures can be viewed by funding source and subject. Data on federally funded research expenditures by awarding agency is also available.

Research Comparisons
These dashboards compare the research and development expenditures at the University of Kansas to other similar universities. Expenditures can be viewed by fiscal year and funding source.
Retention & Completion

Dashboards included here provide ‘degrees at a glance’ for all bachelors, masters, doctoral-research, doctoral-professional, undergraduate certificate, and graduate certificate programs at the University of Kansas. Ten-year trends for degrees conferred by level are also provided.

Degree Inventory
Degree Program Inventory shows KBOR-approved KU degree programs by school, department, degree level (bachelors, masters, etc.), and Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code.

Retention & Graduation
The University of Kansas tracks first-time, full-time freshmen throughout their academic careers to study retention and graduate rates. This dashboard provides a visual representation of this data chronologically from retention to year two to graduation after six years.
Alumni Outcomes

Alumni Outcomes
This dashboard shows bachelor's and graduate alumni outcomes data produced through a partnership with Lightcast. The data includes employment information, average estimated annual wages, location of alumni, and the percent of bachelor's alumni who went on to obtain further education.

First Destination Survey
The First Destination Survey collects information on the initial career outcomes for bachelor's and master's degree recipients six months after graduation. The data in this dashboard includes employment status; employers, job titles, and salary data of employed graduates; school and program information for graduates who went on to graduate school; and the location of graduates.