Docking Institute USS and UPS Employee Satisfaction Survey 2022
In spring 2022, the UPS-USS Council of the Kansas Board of Regents [KBOR] worked together to conduct a survey on their campuses with support from their administrative leaders. This council represents both Unclassified Professional and University Support Staff at the six Regent universities — Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, University of Kansas and Wichita State University. The survey focused on topics related to employee satisfaction.
The survey was conducted online during the month of April 2022 by the Docking Institute and was emailed to 9,190 total Unclassified Professional and Support Staff employees at the six participating campuses across Kansas. In all, the Docking Institute received 4,053 completed surveys, providing a response rate of 44.1%.
At KU, surveys were emailed to 3,105 UPS and USS employees. The Docking Institute received 1,678 completed surveys, resulting in a response rate of 54%.
The results of the survey are available in two separate reports:
- A report that breaks down the KU UPS (Unclassified Professional Staff) results and compares them to the combined UPS results at the six statewide KBOR schools.
- A report that breaks down the KU USS (Unclassified Support Staff) results and compares them to the combined USS results at the six statewide KBOR schools.
Goals and Areas of Focus
Working with the data, the Advisory Team identified the following four areas of focus, which reflect categories from the survey where staff expressed the most significant dissatisfaction:
- Compensation and Benefits
- Nature of Work
- Leadership, Appreciation and Recognition
- Culture/Inclusion/Retention