Data Governance
Guiding Principles
Data is a Resource
- Data is a resource that has organizational value and must be managed as such.
- Data remains a resource from creation/acquisition to destruction.
Transparent Responsibility
- All organizational data is owned by the University of Kansas and is the organization’s responsibility to manage.
- Trustees of a Data Domain have responsibility for its overall function as a resource.
- Stewards of a Data Domain have responsibility for its effective administration.
- All other users of a Data Domain have a responsibility to use the resource responsibly and ethically.
Risk Mitigation
- Data must be managed with the relative value and risk to the organization as the priority consideration.
- Compliance with internal and external regulations is paramount.
Data is Cross-functional
- While data may exist within a siloed environment at any one time, all data must be considered in a cross-functional context.
- KU has a vested interest in cross-functional coordination of resources.
Data Integrity Underlies Value
- Data is most valuable to the organization when its management promotes understandability and overall quality.
- Clearly defined and documented business rules promote data integrity.
Data Governance Pillars
Data Governance Pillars
Data Oversight
Aligning leadership priorities for data operations
Data Administration
Execution of leadership direction regarding data operations
Data Documentation
Generation of documentation of data systems across the lifecycle
Data Governance Pillars
Data Quality
Ensuring data is error free and ready for use
Data Literacy
Lifting data engagement and understanding across campus