Buildings on the University of Kansas campus taken from a distance

Campus Constituent Surveys

Campus Constituent Surveys evaluate the experiences of the Lawrence/Edwards campus' core constituents: students, staff, and faculty. Data collected in these surveys help the university identify areas of strength and consideration that inform strategic planning and action.

Responding to a Provost commitment to survey the core constituents at least every three years, AIRE developed a new Campus Constituent Survey Process in 2022. Broadly, the process steers each survey through planning, administration, analysis, engagement, and the creation of actionable recommendations while keeping campus informed throughout. AIRE oversees the planning and implementation of the survey lifecycle, and works in partnership with the Survey Sponsors. The Survey Sponsors and Advisory Committee lead the evaluation and assessment activities to make evidence-based recommendations for continuous improvement.

Campus Constituent Surveys are a key process for assessing the success of Jayhawks Rising, our strategic plan.   

If you need the Campus Constituent Survey Process document in another format, please contact us at

Campus Constituent Survey Calendar

This calendar is for Campus Constituent Surveys administered 2022 and later. The specific survey conducted is subject to change. Each of audience will be surveyed every 3 years.

AudienceCurrent SurveyLast AdministrationNext AdministrationSurvey Sponsors 
Faculty COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction SurveySpring 2022Spring 2025

Spring 2028

University Senate President

Faculty Senate President

Provost Office

Staff & Faculty

*includes graduate student employees

Great Colleges to Work ForSpring 2022

*Docking Institute Staff Survey administered in Spring 2022 (only includes USS and UPS employees)

Spring 2026

Spring 2029

University Senate President

Staff Senate President

Faculty Senate President

Human Resources Management

Graduate Studies

Provost Office

First-year Freshman & Senior StudentsNational Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)Spring 2024 



Spring 2027

University Senate President

Student Senate President

Student Success

Student Affairs

Provost Office

Graduate StudentsGraduate Student Experience Survey (GSES)

*Replaced GSSS

Spring 2024Spring 2027

University Senate President

Graduate Studies

GSAB President

Provost Office

About the Campus Constituent Surveys by group 

The COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey. This is a national survey administered by the Harvard Graduate School of Education that assesses faculty views on a wide range of aspects related to academic life at their institution. With over 300 participating institutions, KU receives results for our institution as well as comparative benchmarking data that helps us identify strengths and areas of concern to inform the development of programs and policies that support faculty in building rewarding careers. Learn more about COACHE or refer to the COACHE FAQs  

KU last administered the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in 2022 and will do so again in 2025 and 2028. KU also administered the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey in 2005, 2008 and 2011. 

The Graduate Student Experience Survey aims to capture information on the graduate student experience across many facets of graduate education, training, and academic development.  

KU last administered the GSES in 2022 and will administer the GSES in 2024. KU will also survey graduate students in 2027.

In previous years, graduate students completed the Graduate Student Satisfaction Survey or GSSS and this was administered in 2020, 2016, 2013 and 2009.  

In 2023, KU surveyed graduate student employees via an internal 3Gs survey.


For the most recent staff survey, see the results from the Docking Institute Employee Satisfaction Survey 2022. The Docking Institute Employee Satisfaction Survey provides comparative data for the six Regents Universities in Kansas - — Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, University of Kansas and Wichita State University. The survey focuses on topics related to employee satisfaction.    

In 2026 and 2029, KU will administer Great Colleges to Work For survey. While the primary focus will be on staff and graduate student worker satisfaction, this survey will also include faculty. 


KU has surveyed undergraduate students (first-year Freshman and Seniors) via the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years since 2001. The only exception was in 2016, when all undergraduate students were surveyed via the Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) survey. 

The National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is a national survey administered by the Center for Postsecondary Research within Indiana University’s School of Education. The survey annually collects information at hundreds of four-year colleges and universities about first-year and senior students' participation in programs and activities that institutions provide for their learning and personal development. The results provide an estimate of how undergraduates spend their time and what they gain from attending college. NSSE provides participating institutions with a variety of reports that compare their students' responses with those of students at self-selected groups of comparison institutions. Comparisons are available for ten Engagement Indicators, six High-Impact Practices, and all individual survey questions. Learn more about NSSE.  

KU will administer the NSSE in 2024 and 2027.  

If you are looking for a record of surveys administered to broad campus constituents prior to 2022, including regular surveys related to climate, sexual harassment, sexual assault and misconduct, please consult the Campus Constituent Surveys Archive. The Archive also includes a selection of other broad surveys conducted on campus since 2010.