Data Certification


There are four levels of data certification at the University of Kansas. Employees are responsible for understanding and assuring the level of data quality. The following scale should be used to communicate the data quality level of a particular data set or analysis. It should also be used by anyone performing data analysis using institutional data to ensure the level of data quality is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of a particular request.

 Level 3 SymbolCertified for Official Reporting - Data has been run through a strict data quality program and has been used for official reporting. Data cleansing has occurred.

Level 2 SymbolCertified for Internal Reporting - Data has been and continues to be run through a data quality program that is actively monitored by the Data Steward. Definitions are documented in the university data catalog. Known data issues have been thoroughly documented.

Level 1 SymbolModerately Certified - USE CAUTION - Data has been run through some data quality checking, but continuous data quality monitoring is not occurring. Definitions may or may not be available in the university data catalog. Remediation may or may not have occurred, and known issues may or may not be documented.

Level 0 SymbolNot Certified - USE EXTREME CAUTION - Data has not been run through a data quality program and the risk of use is fully assumed by the user.