Engagement Opportunities

During spring 2023, we kicked off our campus engagement program for the COACHE Faculty Job Satisfaction Survey with an open forum with the Provost and University Governance leaders. During this forum we reviewed goals for the initiative, shared additional data and the plan of action, and discussed ongoing initiatives that respond to areas of concern. More forums were hosted in February/March in all academic units.

Forum on faculty satisfaction and path forward with the Provost and Governance Leaders

Friday, February 17th, 2-3:30PM

Slawson Hall G192 Beren Petroleum Conference Center

Zoom Link: https://kansas.zoom.us/j/94335824588

The main purpose of this and future listening sessions is to elicit your ideas around solutions. We want to be clear, we do not expect you to do the work of solving the problems the survey has identified. Rather, we want these forums to be an opportunity for dialogue with you all as our colleagues. We want to engage you, with your incredible intellectual gifts and creativity, and ensure you have some agency in any solutions put forward. As co-leaders of our institutional response to the COACHE survey we want to hear from each of you.


Additional Engagement Forums

If you cannot join us for the public forum on Feb 17, members of the Advisory Team will host smaller forums in individual academic units during lunch hours over February and early March. These meetings will also be opportunities to share COACHE survey information relating to disciplinary groups. Schedule below.

Mon, Feb 20th 
Noon-1pm (Business) 

Tues, Feb 21st 
Noon-1pm (Engineering) 

Wed, Feb 22nd 
Noon-1pm (CLAS) 

Thurs, Feb 23rd 
Noon-1pm (Music) 

Fri, Feb 24th 
Noon-1pm (Social Welfare) 

4015 Cap. Fed. Building

3150 Learned Hall

198 Slawson Hall

Swarthout Recital Hall 


Presenter: Kristen Helling 

Presenter: Prajna Dhar 

Presenter: Megan Greene 

Presenter: Ani Kokobobo 

Presenter: Ani Kokobobo 

Q&A Facilitator: Ani Kokobobo  

Q&A Facilitator: Nate Brunsell 

Q&A Facilitator: Nate Brunsell   

Q&A Facilitator: 

Q&A Facilitator: Nate Brunsell  


Mon, Feb 27th 
Noon-1pm (Pharmacy) 

Tues, Feb 28th  
Noon-1pm (Education & Human Sciences) 

Wed, Mar 1st  
Noon-1pm (Journalism & Mass Communications) 

Thurs, Mar 2nd 
Noon-1pm (CLAS) 

Fri, Mar 3rd  
Noon-1pm (Libraries) 

Room 1020, School of Pharmacy, 2010 Becker Drive 

204 Joseph R. Pearson Hall 

2051A Dole Human Development Center

298 Slawson Hall 

455 Watson Library  

Presenter: Kristin Villa 

Presenter: John Colombo 

Presenter: Victor Gonzalez 

Presenter: Kris Peterson  

Presenter: Nicole Hodges-Persley 

Q&A Facilitator: Ani Kokobobo  

Q&A Facilitator: Victor Gonzalez 

Q&A Facilitator: Nicole Hodges-Persley 

Q&A Facilitator: Nate Brunsell  

Q&A Facilitator: Kristen Helling  


Tues, Mar 7th  
Noon-1pm (Architecture & Design) 

Wed, Mar 8th  
Noon-1pm (Professional Studies) 

Thurs, Mar 9th  
12:30-1:30pm (Law)

Galloway Seminar Room, Marvin Hall 

235 BEST Building

201 Green Hall 

Presenter: Nate Brunsell 

Presenter: Lee Stuart 

Presenter: Lou Mulligan 

Q&A Facilitator: Kristen Villa 

Q&A Facilitator: Lee Stuart 

Q&A Facilitator: Ani Kokobobo 

Faculty were also able to submit ideas for action (anonymously) up until March 27, 2023. These responses were collated with the recommendations gathered from the forums and shared with the Advisory Team.