Composition and Order of Operation
- Executive Sponsor:
- Chief Risk Officer
- Co-Chairs:
- Chief Data Officer
- Chief Information Officer
- Voting Members:
- Data Trustee, Human Resources Data Systems; Vice Chancellor of Human Resources
- Data Trustee, Finance Data Systems; Vice Chancellor of Finance/Controller
- Data Trustee, Student Records Data Systems; Vice Provost of Strategic Enrollment Management
- Data Trustee, Facilities Data Systems; Vice Chancellor of Operations
- Data Trustee, Libraries Data Systems; Dean of Libraries
- Data Trustee, Research Data Systems; Vice Chancellor of Research
- Data Trustee, Staff Constituency; TBD
- Data Trustee, GR Students Constituency; Senior Vice Provost of Academic Affairs
- Data Trustee, UG Students Constituency; Vice Provost of Student Affairs
- Data Trustee, Faculty Constituency; Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs
- Non-voting Members:
- Chief Information Security Officer
- Chief Privacy Officer
- Chief Procurement Officer
- KUMC Chief Information Officer
- Chief Audit Officer
- Data Quality and Governance Manager
- Director of Data Management
- Director of Data Analytics
Order of Operation
Agenda Items are advanced by the Chief Data Officer (CDO) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). Members may advance items to the agenda in consultation with the Chief Data Officer and/or Chief Information Officer. Agenda items take on one of two forms: consent agenda items and new business discussion items. Consent agenda items represent decisions to be made by the voting members of the ESLG. New business discussion items represent issues that merit discussion from all ESLG members.
Consent agenda items will be presented to all members ahead of ESLG meetings. Meetings will open with the option for members to remove items from the consent agenda for discussion. Once all items are removed from the consent agenda for discussion, the Chief Data Officer and Chief Information Officer take a vote of consent/oppose from all voting members to ratify consent agenda items.
New business discussion items will follow the consent agenda, alongside any item removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Each item on the agenda will be allotted a given period for group discussion. At the end of the allotted period, the Chief Data Officer and Chief Information Officer will decide to extend the discussion time, table the issue for future discussion, or if the issue was on the consent agenda, call for a vote on the specific issue.
All votes among voting members operate as a majority rule. The voted decisions of the group are binding to all members of the KULC data community of any role. The decisions of the ESLG will be summarized and communicated to the Executive Vice Chancellor of the Lawrence Campus, who holds full authority on issues of data governance. Issues may be revisited with additional discussion at the request of the Executive Vice Chancellor.